Enter your Notice ID and Confirmation Code below to view the status of your claim. *

*If you are a gym Class Member, please check for an email from infor@allstarcheerantitrustsettlement.com. If none was received, no further action is requred at this time.

Notice ID:

Your claim status is .

A Notice of Claim Deficiency was sent to the email address specified in your claim submission on December 13, 2024. Please respond to this email as soon as possible with the requested information and/or documents. If your response is late or insufficient, your Claim determination will become final. If you have any questions, please email the Claims Administrator at Info@AllStarCheerAntitrustSettlement.com.

Nothing further is needed at this time. The Settlement Administrator will contact you if any additional information is needed.

You can get more information about your rejection by viewing a copy of the Notice of Deficiency.